Friday, July 29, 2011

Mirrors, Mirrors!

I have a deep affection for old mirrors.  And imperfect ones at that.  Ones that have old silver paint peeling from the back.  Ones that might be missing their frames or have a crack.  Ones so fuzzy that you can't even see yourself in them (which may or may not be a bad thing!).  My collection at this point is limited to my dining room, where I have several mirrors propped on top of a buffet and a sideboard.  I would love to get more mirrors, but would then have to start attaching them to the walls.  And to be honest, I much prefer to put mirrors and artwork on top of large pieces of furniture and lean them against the wall, as opposed to actually attaching them to the wall.  This is so much easier to do, requires no measuring, lends to a more casual feel, makes them easy to switch around, and (making my husband infinitely happy) means less holes in the wall!

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