Monday, November 14, 2011


It's always been a conundrum whether to decorate by placing objects in a windowsill.  It's something I've tried over the years, have seen and read about, and have finally come up with this conclusion:  If it's a window that is opened and closed quite a bit - don't do it.  If you have to dust around the objects - definitely don't do it.  My windows are open quite a bit throughout the entire year, and I hate to dust, so these rules are good deterrents for me.  The absolute only instance in which I would decorate a windowsill is if the objects look fantastic in sunlight.  After many years of not ever putting anything in windowsills in my home, I have finally made an exception for these beautiful blue Mason jars.  I have many of these, and have found they look beautiful grouped together on a windowsill with the sun shining through them.  They even make great vases while sitting there!  This is the only window in my home that is decorated, and it's on a back wall of my kitchen and not opened often. Perfect!
Just to put the whole windowsill issue in perspective - it's like putting something on top of your toilet tank.  Yes, it's blank space.  Yes it might look like something needs to fill that space.  That doesn't mean you need to decorate it!  When I come up with an exception to this rule - I'll let you know!

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