With the exception of Christmas, I'm just not much of a holiday decorator anymore. And my Christmas decorations even get fewer and fewer every year. I love holidays and the meanings behind them, so the issue for me really is focusing on those meanings not the actual decorating and cleaning up afterwards! Easter being only a few weeks away, I decided it was finally time for me to get a few things out. The first thing out was this little egg wreath for my front door. I've considered making my own egg wreath out of blown eggs and a grapevine wreath. However, several years ago I actually blew out 4 dozen eggs to dye and will NEVER do that again. I felt like I blew my brains out. Really. So, now I resort to just buying cute egg wreaths instead!
These cute little eggs were a gift from my sister. I seriously did have to talk my son out of taking bite of one of them!
So, moral of the story is to go ahead and put out a few decorations, but only as a reminder of the tree meaning of the holiday - not as a distraction!
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