Monday, June 11, 2012

Jewelry Display

I love all three of my jewelry holders that sit on top of my dresser, but this little lady is my favorite.  I see these types of jewelry stands in stores all the time, but they usually have metal arms and too much bling on the body for my taste.  I found this very simple one and spray painted it white.  It can't hold a huge amount of jewelry pieces, but I still love it for its sophisticated simplicity.  It also allows my jewelry to speak for itself, and stand out as its own style of decor.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Architectural Salvage

Can you guess what my new swimming towel rack is made of?  It's a 6-ft long piece of aqua beaded board trim.  Cool, huh?  I purchased this piece a couple months ago, with absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with it.  This goes against my own personal rule of antiques shopping:  Only buy if you know where it's going to go.  I violated this no-nonsense rule simply because of the color of this piece.  And the fact that it was only $8!  As soon as I brought it home, however, I knew exactly what it was going to be....a towel rack out by our swimming pool!  I simply added 5 vintage wire hooks, got my husband to attach it to the pool deck, and now we're in business!  It's already gotten quite a bit of use, and I just love the pop of aqua color out on the deck.  Functional, yet beautiful, no?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Organize with Style!

Does anyone else have trouble corralling keys, cellphones, purses, etc at the end of the day?  I personally do not have this problem, but my husband does!  There is absolutely no telling where his keys and cellphones (yes, he has two) will end up after he gets home from work.  To try to keep us from searching for his lost sundries every other day, I think I've finally come up with a way to keep these things organized!  I found this cute little candy dish at my friend's yard sale.  It was already painted aqua, which, of course, I love, and it had just the right number of sections.  One for wallet, one for keys, one for cellphones.  Now, the occasional garage door opener, fishing lure, shotgun shell, shoelace or coin might find its way into a section as well, but that's okay!  The point is, all items are corralled into a specific place.  My husband can just drop his items off here when he walks in the door, and then knows where to find them when he needs them.  By the way, this candy dish is located on a counter right inside the doorway he enters when he gets home from work - this makes sure they don't get misplaced between the door and the dish!  Don't be afraid to get organized - but be sure to do it with style! plastic containers!