Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Countertop Transformation!

My kitchen has always been one of my least favorite rooms of the house.  The cabinets were covered in a black glaze, the walls were boring tan, the laminate countertops and backsplash were dark green and the floors were fake tile linoleum.  So...I just completed another step in a 2 year kitchen renovation process!  It has taken so long because I broke it down into smaller projects that I could do by myself.  First I painted the walls teal. Next, I painted the backsplash white.  I slowly introduced different red and white transferware dishes and a couple aqua touches.  This past summer I painted the cabinets.  Finally, over these past few days, I got rid of the ugliest part - hunter green mottled laminate countertops.  There was nothing wrong with them except for the color.  Since they were structurally sound, my husband and I were both loathe to pay thousands of dollars to have them replaced.  A friend of mine came across a quicker, easier and cheaper option - Countertop Transormations by Rust-Oleum.  This is an entire kit which essentially involves painting the countertops, spreading different colored chips down, then painting a protective coat over it.  It looks like granite - but at a fraction of the cost!  Since I just finished the clear coat this morning, time will tell how the surface wears.  So far, it looks fantastic!  Throughout this whole process, we haven't been able to use our kitchen for the past several days.  So eating off paper plates and rinsing dishes in the bathroom has just led to us eating out the past couple days - a nice fringe benefit!  The final coat needs 7 days to set - so leaving town tomorrow for the rest of the week is great timing!  The bottom photo here is after my cabinet painting, but while the counters were still green.  I foresee getting rid of the fake tile linoleum floor next...I'll have to see if Rust-oleum makes a Floor Transformation Kit!!!

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